venerdì, settembre 04, 2009

Serbia - Italy summit Međuvladin samit Italije i Srbije

ROME -- Italian and Serbian FMs Franco Frattini and Vuk Jeremić have announced that the 1st inter-governmental summit between the two countries will be held on Nov. 13.The summit, which will be attended by the Serbian and Italian Presidents Boris Tadić and Silvio Berlusconi, will see the signing of an agreement on a comprehensive partnership.Jeremić confirmed that the government’s strategic priority was EU membership, while Frattini said that he hoped that Serbia would submit its application for EU candidate status by the end of the year.
Jeremić confirmed that the government’s strategic priority was EU membership, while Frattini said that he hoped that Serbia would submit its application for EU candidate status by the end of the year.

Međuvladin samit Italije i Srbije

RIM -- Ministri spoljnih poslova Italije i Srbije, Franko Fratini i Vuk Jeremić, najavili su da će 13. novembra u Rimu biti održan prvi međuvladin samit dveju zemalja.
Samitu će prisustvovati i predsednik Srbije Boris Tadić i premijer Italije Silvio Berluskoni, a tada će biti potpisan sporazum o sveobuhvatnom partnerstvu.Jeremić je potvrdio da je strateški prioritet Vlade članstvo Srbije u Evropskoj uniji, dok je Fratini izjavio da se nada da će Srbija do kraja ove godine podneti zahtev za dobijanje statusa kandidatata za članstvo u EU.

giovedì, settembre 03, 2009

EP could postpone debate on visa abolition for Western Balkans due to administrative error

A group of members of the European Parliament could ask EP presidents to delay a debate on the European Commission decision lifting visas for the citizens of FYRMacedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, due to an error in the agenda, Bosnian daily "Dnevni Avaz" reports Wednesday.

A group of members of the European Parliament could ask EP presidents to delay a debate on the European Commission decision lifting visas for the citizens of FYRMacedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, due to an error in the agenda, Bosnian daily "Dnevni Avaz" reports Wednesday.

The debate was included in the agenda of EP's coming session in Strasbourg - which was due to take place on Sept. 14-17. However, an error has been made in its preparation - Bosnia &Herzegovina was listed instead of Montenegro.

Nevertheless, this doesn't mean that MEPs oppose the abolition of visas for FYRMacedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, the newspaper reports.

This administrative error, despite being bizarre, could open an opportunity for BiH to be included in the list of countries eligible for visa-free regime unless it meets the required conditions, sources from Brussels told the newspaper.
Certo che siamo in buone mani...

Bandiera della Jugoslavia che fu