lunedì, agosto 20, 2007

New Heroes?

The village of Žitište, located in northern Serbia unveiled a statue of the legendary film character Rocky Balboa, taken on the screen by the actor Silvester Stallone.
It reminds the choice made in bosnia, where a similar statue (of Bruce Lee) was built about one year ago.
New idols in the Balkans?

Another new hited me positively: a Croatian newspaper, Glas Istre, published an interwiew to a Serbian singer, Lepa Brena, without providing a translation from Serbian to Croatian.
Believe me, this is really a good new, the tale that people across Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia would talk in different languages is finally disappearing?
It was high time!
We wait now for the end of many other tales as well, that made bitter and dramatic the last 15 years of former Yugoslavia's history.

Bandiera della Jugoslavia che fu