domenica, luglio 11, 2010

Dimenticare è un altro crimine


At 8:26 AM, Blogger Ms Larsen said...

you know, sometimes justice is a 4 letter word, too many war pigs out there.
And in general no peace till UN or NATO exists.

At 12:50 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Un and Nato hadn't worked properly too many times.
Yet I can't find better models around the world (maybe OSCE for any field).
There's no political wish in order to reformate UN.
Really sad...

At 10:45 PM, Blogger балканска девојка said...

ah! ah!
potreste anche parlare italiano.. ma per quel poco che capisco :
n.a.t.o. per uccidere
grande mr.larsen !


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